A module that integrates both Bluetooth and Wifi! If that was not enough this is all packaged in a very small form factor, this module has an integrated PCB antenna and all the necessary RF circuitry (balun, power amplifier and low noise amplifier) incorporated. Please take note on the soldered header versions; the pin outs of the 2 variants are a bit different,
It's recommended that you install the ESP32 library in your Arduino IDE before you get started, the following link is very helpful in getting up and running.
For more details see the following - https://github.com/SmartArduino/SZDOITWiKi/wiki/ESP8266---ESP32
LuaNode (30 Pin Version): https://github.com/Nicholas3388/LuaNode
DevKitC (38 Pin Version): https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/hw-reference/modules-and-boards-previous.html#esp-modules-and-boards-esp32-devkitc-v2
Onboard LED: PIN2 (IO2 - Dev Kit C)